Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Sims

The sims, perhaps one of the most devious computer games to date (GTA series aside). A game built on everything people do in real life, but with a catch. It's virtual! No more taking a crap in RL, take a virtual crap in my own virtual bathroom! No more going to school, mysteriously dissappear off the screen while your left to look at a fucking empty house for 5 minutes!

How is such a stupid game (And not stupid as in plants vs zombies stupid, more like George Bush stupid), so damn popular? Because YOUR stupid! Anyone who wastes their time on the SIMS is a moron (*cough* Tom).

How do you people not see the devolpers of SIMS are an economically driven empire? Not only must you buy the game, you have to also purchase numerous expansions to get more stuff, $30 a pop for less than 50mb of data. And they won't stop until they have the whole world glued to their screens taking virtual craps, or taking their virtual pet for a walk around the block... oh wait i don't have the expansion for pets yet.